Herbs and Spices
Our products come from the Balkans, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Iran, Tunisia, and Morocco. Cornflower, Malva, and Calendula give brilliant colors to every tea and spice mixture.
But it's not just about the color: our lavender flower has a high essential oil content and our saffron tastes amazingly. Our bestsellers in herbs and spices are:
- Sambucus flower
- Lavender flower
- Rose petal
- Tarragon
- Nettle leave
- Coriander seed
- Caraway seed
The list of current products: herbs and spices can be found here
Essential Oils
Wir sind absolute Rosenöl-Experten und können Ihnen hochwertige Rosenöle aus Bulgarien, Iran, Türkei, Marokko, Georgien und Afghanistan anbieten. Weitere wichtige ätherische Öle für uns sind Angelikawurzel-, Lavendel-, Melissen-, Immortellen-, Kamillen- und Schafgarben-Öl.
Alle auch in Bio-Qualität erhältlich.
Flower and herbal water
Our herbal waters are 100% natural and are obtained through steam distillation. Most of them are produced according to our standard: one kg of fresh plant is distilled to 1kg of water. Therefore, the scent is intense, and the quality is consistent. For all our herbal waters, we provide relevant documents including analysis certificates and technical data sheets.